Monday 2 August 2010

How much is to Much?

This is a strange question for an online forum but how much is to much online living?

Most of us now do so many things online line it is unbelievable. We shop, we socialise, many people now work from home online. It seems that we live more and more of our lives though out computers. Now I'm as guilty as the next person at this, I don't send out party invites anymore I just put an event on facebook, but there are certain things I still won't do online. I won't buy fresh fruit and Veg in my shopping for one. I don't like the idea of someone Else telling me this is good enough for you. I like to get to the shop and pick it up and hold it and smell it.

But is seems to me that we are being pushed so much more online, booking driving tests is done online, paying your TV Licence can be done online and so much more. I think that if this continues that we just wont leave the house anymore except for going to the pub or on holiday and we will lose a lot of the social interaction that is slowly being eaten away but the World Wide Web.